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Writer's pictureDavid Nicol

Out of the Muck Springs the Lotus

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

November 2022 New Moon Astro Notes

The intense purge that occurred in November during Scorpio season and the back-to-back eclipses may have left many of us gasping for air and needing considerable downtime to integrate all the changes. Fortunately, December significantly elevates the atmosphere and offers strong support for a renewal of faith in our vision.

The new moon sets the tone for the month ahead. Last Wednesday's New Moon in Sagittarius made a number of harmonious aspects with other planets, including a lovely trine with expansive Jupiter, setting the stage for smoother sailing in the cycle ahead. Sagittarius is known for its optimism and hope, enthusiasm for life, and an upbeat adventurous spirit. It's no accident that Sagittarius season coincides in the USA with the Thanksgiving holiday, an event associated with the joy and warmth of human togetherness and a general spirit of good cheer. Everywhere around the world there tends to be a mood of optimism and relief at this time of year, as the work cycle begins to wind down and many start to look forward to the delights of the holiday season ahead.

The deeper reason for the brightness of the Sagittarian spirit is that it carries the energy of rebirth or ‘resurrection’ after the encounter with darkness and death during Scorpio season. Sagittarius is so enthusiastic because it wants to spread the "good news" of the life eternal, the spirit that has conquered death and is now risen again. Having done our shadow work during Scorpio season (made even more intense this year due to the eclipses), it's now time to rest in gratitude for what we have accomplished and look forward with renewed optimism for the future.

This expansive mood is given a further boost on December 3 when Neptune turns direct for the first time since late June. Since Jupiter is also in Pisces and, as of last Thursday, moving direct, we now have the two planetary co-rulers of Pisces — Jupiter and Neptune — once again in their own sign and moving forward. This combination can open up the veritable floodgates of creative inspiration, bringing more faith in our dreams and visions. It's a beautiful opportunity to open our imaginations to the highest possibilities we can envision for ourselves as we look ahead to the new era dawning.

This window is open until December 20, when Jupiter enters Aries.

After expanding to unlimited possibilities in the ocean of Pisces, Jupiter emerges in Aries re-energized and inspired to take action. With Jupiter in Aries, we will feel motivated to back our entrepreneurial spirit and move forward boldly in the direction of our dreams. We will tend to be rewarded with good luck at this time when we demonstrate faith in ourselves and our visions.

To sum up: immerse yourself in the Piscean ocean of creative possibility for the first 3 weeks of December, then ride those waves of inspiration into the Aries field of battle to hit the ground running in 2023. We are finally starting to emerge from the ordeal of transformation we have endured these last few years. Something in us is breaking out of the chrysalis, and when Saturn moves into Pisces and Pluto enters Aquarius in March of next year, this process of transfiguration will be complete. Get ready for a new you.


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